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Orthokeratology is the reduction, modification or elimination of a visual defect by the programmed application of contact lenses. It is a safe, reversible system of non-surgical vision correction that involves the use and wear of semi-permanent rigid contact lens.
The theory behind this is based on experience and observations from the days of hard contact lens fitting in the 1950’s and 60’s where a small degree of corneal flattening and consequently reduction in myopia was possible with appropriately fitted lenses.
With the development of completely new lens designs made from highly oxygen permeable materials, combined with the availability of computer-assisted topography, the cornea and all its contours can now be accurately measured . now interest in corneal moulding as a means of optical correction is starting its revival.
Currently the most popular lens design is the reverse geometry lens, which induces faster and increased myopia reduction when worn on an overnight basis. A reduction in prescription of 70% is possible after the first nights wear and total correction is effected after 1month.
Elimination of –4.50D of myopia and –1.50D of horizontal astigmatism is currently possible.
Future developments will include lens designs that eliminate higher degrees of myopia, hyperopia (long sightedness) and presbyopia (the normal reading deterioration with age).
Our Masons Avenue branch has treated patients using Orthokeratology since 2005. Register your interest and one of our team will contact you for a consultation.
Masons Avenue Opticians
11 Masons Avenue, London, EC2V 5HR, United Kingdom
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